The longest labor strike in Georgia’s history takes a dramatic turn with allegations against Evolution Georgia. The Georgian trade union...
A groundbreaking shift in Argentina’s approach to gambling regulation begins today, marking a significant milestone in the gaming industry. After over a decade, Argentina revitalizes its...
The Brazilian Senate‘s decision on the future of sports betting has hit a crucial delay, throwing the spotlight on the country’s approach to gambling regulation. Amid...
In a landmark enforcement action, the Dutch gambling regulator, Kansspelautoriteit (KSA), has levied a massive €3 million fine against the well-known operator BetCity. This fine, one...
Are you aware of the latest stringent actions taken by Denmark’s gambling regulator against illegal online gambling advertisements? In a bold move showcasing its commitment to...
In a surprising turn of events, North Carolina’s highly anticipated foray into legal sports betting is set to miss the mark for the Super Bowl in...
In a groundbreaking move toward reshaping Chile’s gaming landscape, the nation’s online gambling bill is set to introduce a multifaceted tax framework, marking a significant step...
In a pivotal moment for the UK’s gambling landscape, the British Gambling Commission has launched its second round of consultations, building upon the government’s comprehensive gambling...
In a pivotal decision, the Spanish Constitutional Court has delivered a unanimous verdict, upholding the nation’s stringent gambling advertising ban. This legal battle saw the online...
Prepare your taste buds for an irresistible gaming delight! ELA Games proudly presents “Sugar Spins,” the latest addition to their delectable lineup of online slots. This...
In a resounding call to action, a parliamentary committee in Victoria, Australia, has unleashed a fervent plea for more stringent regulations governing gambling advertisements. With a...