Lady Luck Games, a renowned developer of top-notch slot games, is thrilled to unveil the exclusive launches of their highly anticipated Popeye slot game in partnership...
Renowned entertainer David Hasselhoff, affectionately known as “The Hoff” worldwide, has extended his collaboration with, a Malta-based online casino. The Hoff will continue to bring...
Step into the world of Ancient Egypt with Red Rake Gaming‘s latest release, “Ramses Legacy”. In this thrilling video slot game, players embark on a quest...
The rebranded UK National Gambling Treatment Service, formerly known as GambleAware’s NGTS, will now be called the National Gambling Support Network (NGSN), with GambleAware doubling its...
Effective from April 1, Scott Butera and Brad Egnor will begin their new roles. Scott Butera will take up the position of Chief Executive of Sports...
888 Holdings has announced the launch of its online gambling brand, Mr Green, on its own technology platform in Germany, following the acquisition of a license...
The prohibition on untargeted gambling advertisements was originally scheduled to take effect at the beginning of this year. Dutch Minister for Legal Protection, Franc Weerwind, has...
PopOK Gaming, a cutting-edge iGaming content developer, has successfully obtained certification for Romania, enabling the provision of its innovative iGaming solutions in the region. PopOK Gaming’s...
Boldplay has entered Romania’s regulated online gambling market with its latest license approval from ONJN. This expansion introduces over 80 dynamic games, from slots to bingo,...